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IMD’s Spring 2022 Conference – Videos and Presentations

On May 14, 2022, IMD held the Second Annual Conference in Mathematics and Politics. This virtual event featured eight speakers who spoke on a  range of topics including teaching mathematics and politics, the role of mathematics in the government, and new research in the field. Here are the conference page and flyer for the event.

You can click here to hear the opening remarks given by Prof. Stanley Chang.

We are excited to share the videos and slides from the presentations. Below is a list of the speakers and their presentation slides, followed by the video recordings of the talks.

  1. Kyle Evans, Trinity College: “Evaluating Fairness: From Content to Assessment
  2. Samin Aref, University of Toronto: “Using network models of political collaboration and mathematical optimization to understand partisan polarization and the coalitional structure of the US House of Representative
  3. Tian An Wong, University of Michigan – Dearborn: “On the mathematics of policing
  4. Karen Saxe, American Mathematical Society: “How can math and mathematicians help inform politics and the legislative process?
  5. Stephanie Somersille, Somersille Math Education Services: “Redistricting, Gerrymandering and the new Geography and Election Outcome (GEO) Metric
  6. Mark Wilson, University of Massachusetts – Amherst: “Swing models (joint with Bernie Grofman, UC Irvine
  7. Jeanne Clelland, University of Colorado: “Redistricting and gerrymandering: When is a district map “fair”?
  8. Audrey Malagon, Virginia Wesleyan University: “How Math Helped Save the 2020 Election”

Finally, here is the video of the closing remarks given by Professor Stanley Chang.

Thank you again to all of the presenters, affiliates, and attendees who made this conference a success.

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