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IMD runs an online five-week summer research program for advanced high school students. Students work in groups on projects of various scope and difficulty, tailored to their backgrounds and interests. Most of the projects are hands-on as they involve analysis of real-life data from elections or the census. Students typically meet twice a week with an instructor, as well as with each other so they can work on the research projects together. Some of the past projects include the study of the influence of court decisions on measures of gerrymandering, like the efficiency gap, partisan bias, and Polsby-Popper score, and the effect of alternative sizes and apportionments of House of Representatives on presidential elections.

Applications for the summer 2024 research program are now closed. Please look out for more opportunities next year.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us at

See below for more information about the High School Summer Research Program from past years.

Support for the 2025 IMD High School Summer Research Program is provided by the Mathematical Association of America and the Mary P. Dolciani Halloran Foundation.

Summer 2023 High School Student Research at IMD

This summer, IMD is supervising high school students Aaron Wasielewski, Andrei Volić, Caroline Cordts, Emily…

Wrapping Up Summer 2022 IMD High School Research

As the summer comes to a close, high schoolers Emily Pallan and Raj Savla have finished their research project…

Summer 2022 High School Student Research at IMD

This summer, high school students Emily Pallan and Raj Savla are working with IMD to research…

Current Students


Ryan Cooley


Ryan Cooley a rising junior at Wilbraham and Monson Academy in Massachusetts, is interested in research at the intersection of mathematics and politics. At IMD, he is looking forward to “using the research process to learn more about the statistics, data, and math behind the governmental decisions that affect our daily lives.”

Deven Hagen


Deven Hagen, a rising senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, is interested in the use of algorithmic decision making in political elections. At IMD, he is excited to pursue interdisciplinary research that combines his interests in applied math, government, and public policy.

Ella Kowal


Ella Kowal is a rising senior at Phillips Academy Andover in Massachusetts. She has always loved math and participating in politics in whatever way she can, so she is excited to explore the intersections of both of these interests.

Rohan Licht


Rohan Licht has been interested in math and politics for a long time and finds it amazing how much they overlap. “I think it would be very beneficial if everyone knew how math can be used to improve political systems, as it could open up new political discussions that aren’t focused on division or ‘winning,’ and more focused on understanding how to make politics better,” Rohan explains. He is excited to work with IMD to learn more about the connection between these two subjects!

Nina Lomigora


Nina Lomigora is a junior from Greens Farms Academy in Connecticut. She is interested in math, particularly the real world applications of math that are often left out of her math classes at school. She is excited for the opportunity to see politics from a quantitative point of view and to use math to better understand and appreciate our democracy.

Isaac Merlin


Isaac Merlin, a rising senior at Florida Atlantic University High School, enjoys thinking strategically about abstract systems. This means he has a deep interest in any mathematics related to the safeguarding of democracy. He’s excited this summer to be pursuing research with IMD.

Serena Pallan


Serena Pallan is a high school sophomore in Baltimore, Maryland. She is looking forward to getting involved with IMD this summer, because she is interested in learning more about the applications of mathematics in politics and how IMD’s research will change the way we think about math and political science.

Alice Park


Alice Park is a rising senior at Northwood High School in California and decided to pursue research at the IMD summer program because she is deeply passionate about mathematics as well as political advocacy and social issues. Alice shares, “I find that especially in an ever-changing world with so many new political debates and issues coming up everyday, using mathematics to investigate and find patterns in politics is such an intriguing combination of topics and can have so much more significance than we realize.” She hopes to be able to apply and further develop her findings from the IMD summer program to make change in her community, addressing political injustices and more!

Zubin Rajesh


Zubin Rajesh is a rising junior at Campolindo High School in the Bay Area who has loved math ever since he was in first grade and has grown increasingly aware of politics as he progressed through school. He saw IMD as a chance to pursue his math joy that can have a real impact on something bigger than himself. Zubin loves to play competitive soccer and enjoys listening to music while doing everything.

Jing Russell


Jing Russell is a rising first-year at Amherst College with an intended double major in Mathematics and Economics. “Since I can remember, I have always loved math and had a deep interest in learning,” she shares. “I am eager to contribute to IMD’s mission as well as delve deeper into quantitative understanding to hopefully make an impact on the current challenges we face in America!”

Ananya Shah


Ananya Shah is a rising junior at Edgemont Junior-Senior High School in New York. Her current research focuses on using mathematics, specifically the fractal dimension technique to quantity gerrymandering in the United States, as well as analyzing majority-minority districts and the redistricting process as a whole. With IMD, she wishes to collaborate with other individuals who are also interested in the fascinating connection between mathematics and democracy.

Pratyush Singh


Pratyush Singh is a high school junior at UWC Mahindra College, India. His interdisciplinary interests in math and social studies since childhood led him to discover Institute for Mathematics and Democracy, where he is excited to explore research at the center of these disciplines. He has a keen interest in understanding the mathematical aspects behind people’s behavior and political choices and hopes to contribute meaningfully to IMD’s mission of promoting education, research, and outreach in mathematics and politics.

Andrei Volic


Andrei Volic, a rising senior at Natick High School, participated in last year’s IMD research project because he loves studying both math and government-related topics. He decided to return this year because he’s “excited to explore the intersection of data analysis and politics that can be applied to measure or predict some aspects of our government.”

Aaron Wasielewski


Aaron Wasielewski is a rising senior at Natick High School. He decided to do another summer with IMD to further his understanding of the two disciplines of math and politics by conducting meaningful research. “Last summer taught me so much about how the two areas are integrated within each other, and I hope to build on those concepts, skills, and experiences this summer,” Aaron says.

Laura Zhang


Laura Zhang is a rising freshman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she plans to double major in mathematics and computer science. She aspires to leverage math and computer science in policy-making to provide a quantitative and data-driven perspective on pressing issues.

Angeline Zhao


Angeline Zhao is a rising senior at Phillips Academy Andover in Massachusetts. She has always loved mathematics, and has been involved with journalism and public policy organizations. As such, she is particularly interested in the way mathematics is used to analyze and resolve real world problems. Politics is an area where mathematics can have such a huge influence, and Angeline is eager to explore that intersection through research this summer.

Former Students


Caroline Corts


Caroline Corts is a rising senior at Alamo Heights High School in Texas. She has had a “passion for both fields since a young age.” To complement her upcoming math classes at her local community college, she is dedicated to continuing her political advocacy. “I attend rallies with my friends and run the Young Democrats Instagram page for my school,” Caroline says.

Emily Pallan


Emily Pallan will be attending Harvard University in the fall with an intended Government or Economics major. She is interested in the intersection between mathematics and politics. She has previously conducted research on how wealthy Democrats impact young voters’ economic stereotypes about liberals, and she is currently conducting research on how alternative apportionment methods in the House of Representatives affect presidential elections.

Serena Pallan


Serena Pallan is a rising sophomore at Hereford High School in Parkton, Maryland. “I think that it’s very interesting how IMD can use math as something that can aid people in developing an understanding of politics, even though the two subjects may not have a clear connection,” Serena says. “I’m excited to dive into how I can contribute to IMD’s mission of the integration of math and politics!”

Andrei Volic

Andrei Volic


Andrei Volic, a rising junior at Natick High School, decided to pursue research with IMD because he loves studying both math and government-related topics. “I thought that integrating those two disciplines would be interesting,” Andrei says. “I’m excited to create a model or system that can be applied to measure or predict some aspects of our government.”

Aaron Wasielewski


Aaron Wasielewski is a rising junior at Natick High School in Massachusetts who sees math and politics as subjects that “have more significant impacts on my life than I realize.” By working with IMD, he seeks to “go in-depth about gathering more information so I can be able to grapple with how I am affected by them. Also, math can be found everywhere in daily life, and what’s better than to research a subject that I will have to use for the rest of my life?”


Emily Pallan


Emily Pallan will be attending Harvard University in the fall with an intended Government or Economics major. She is interested in the intersection between mathematics and politics. She has previously conducted research on how wealthy Democrats impact young voters’ economic stereotypes about liberals, and she is currently conducting research on how alternative apportionment methods in the House of Representatives affect presidential elections.

Raj Savla


Raj Savla is a high school student graduating in 2023 from Westchester, New York. He is interested in political representation and enjoys the application of mathematics. He is currently doing a research project on methods of apportioning seats in the House of Representatives.

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